MetroArcheo Roma 2023
Special Session 18

Multiscalar Approaches to Digital Documentationof Archaeology: Challenges, implications, and solutions

Organized by: Martina Attenni, Alfonso Ippolito

Representation, analysis, interpretation, and communication of archaeological heritage includes a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects and competences. Innovative tools which are constantly being developed make it possible to understand the key elements of archaeological heritage based on considerations extracted from historical analysis and to have at disposal a large quantity of information gathered by taking advantage of the potentialities of technologically advances tools (3D laser scanner, systems of massive acquisition of photographic data, modeling systems of image based, etc). 3D scanning and image-based modelling both represent mature technologies for 3D capturing, building different mod els to investigate the form, reconstruct the process of designing, studying formal, proportional, and spatial features of archeological elements, from a huge scale to a small one. The interrelation between theory, methods and application opens up the possibility to achieve complete results as far as documentation, analysis and interpretation of archaeology. On one hand, high precision 3D models, explorable and measurable, realistically show surface qualities; on the other hand, these models extend knowledge of archaeological artefacts through the correct interpretation of data in their historical and metric framework.
Contributions to this session will discuss the use of integrated and multidisciplinary approaches in archaeology, use of digital data acquisition technologies, data processing and communication.
Main topics:
• integrated survey of archaeology analyzing the possibilities offered by the survey for different scales object (structures, architectures, fragments)
• the state of the art for the so-called data fusion in archeology
• the boundary between the 3D data (numerical models, point cloud) and 3D models (solid or superficial) as a result of an intelligent activity
• the results of machine learning and the comparison with the scholar reading of archaeological artefact
• BIM processes in archaeology
• the next challenges of the archeological heritage digitization
• the real impact of 3d models for communication and teaching archaeological heritage

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline May 31, 2023;

Extended Abstract Acceptance Notification June 30, 2023;

Final Paper Submission Deadline July 31, 2023;

Conference Dates October 19-21, 2023

For further information:
