Considering several inquiries about the possibility of having a few more days to submit a full paper to 20th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics (ICGG 2022), we decided to extend the submission deadline to February 28, 2022. Due to the relatively tight schedule to publish the Conference Proceedings, this is a hard deadline and will not be further extended.
The accepted Full Papers and Posters Papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by Springer and indexed as Scopus and EI Compendex records, and selected papers will be invited to submit to the Journal for Geometry and Graphics (JGG).
Due to the still unclear COVID-19 situation, it has not yet been possible to establish if the Conference will be face-to-face or blended or fully online. The organizers are monitoring the evolution and will keep the participants updated.
The updated important dates are:
[NEW] February 28, 2022: Submission of Full Papers or/and Posters Papers
April 18, 2022: Submission of the camera-ready Full Papers or/and Poster Papers
May 15, 2022: Early Registration (valid for publication)
June 15, 2022: Registration (valid for publication)
More details about the conference can be found on the conference website:
Please do not hesitate to contact the congress secretariat at