Call for papers – Copy / False / Fake

Copy / False / Fake
The issue 04 intends to explore the copy/false/fake triad, through interventions aimed at investigating, by way of example but not exhaustively:

1. the scale of values that separates copy, false and fake from authentic, true and real, their intent –stated or not– to reproduce or mystify the author’s intentionality, which involves ethical codes and can generate social and judicial consent or rejection;
2. the influence exerted on the evolution of knowledge by copy, false and fake obtained through digital technologies (e.g. the rematerialisation through virtual and/or physical reproduction of different objects, from works of art to cultural heritage in the broadest sense, up to the not yet fully expressed potential linked to the experimentation of digital twins) and the contribution offered to the development of innovative lines of investigation;
3. the importance of the creation of copy, false and fake objects (prototypes, archetypes, models and samples) in the artistic, architectural, cultural, design and economic evolution;
4. the creative potential of copy, false and fake, intended as specifically conceived artifacts and not as subsequent manipulations not intended by the author, and their ability to influence the author’s creative process;
5. the criteria and different methods applied by the different disciplines to identify the true (be it an artefact or a statement) with respect to its reproduction, alteration, or falsification.

31 gennaio: deadline submission abstract

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