3 – 7 August 2018 Milano
ICGG 2018
The 18th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics
The spectrum ranges from fundamental research to geometric real-world applications in science and technology and it includes also all aspects of education in geometry and engineering graphics as well as industrial design. Therefore, the conference aims at providing a forum for presentation and discussion of both academic and industrial research involving theoretical and applied geometry and graphics as well as other related fields.
The 18th edition is organized at the Politecnico di Milano, by the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies DASTU. Politecnico di Milano is an academic community dealing with Architecture, Urban Studies, Engineering, and Design, then the Conference scope is deeply consistent with its cultural goals. Pure and applied, analogue and digital Geometry and Graphics are, indeed, of the greatest importance in our research/education activities and curricula, providing our basic operational language and supporting our specialized disciplinary semantics.
As mentioned in the Homepage, the spectrum of the Conference ranges from theoretical research to application, including education, in several fields of art, science, technique. The ICGG 2018 will mainly focus on the following topics and subtopics:
Theoretical Graphics and Geometry
Theoretical Graphics
Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Kinematic Geometry
Descriptive Geometry
Computer Aided Geometric Design
Applied Geometry and Graphics
Theoretical Aspects of Geometry
Modeling of Objects, Phenomena and Processes
Application of Geometry in Arts, Sciences, Architecture, and Engineering
Geometric Aspects of Technical Art and Design
Computer Animation and Games
Graphic simulation in Urban and Territorial Studies
Aspects of Geometry and Graphics in Life Sciences
Engineering Computer Graphics
Computer Aided Design and Drafting
Computational Geometry
Geometric and Solid Modeling
Product Modeling
Image Synthesis
Pattern Recognition
Digital Image Processing
Graphics Standards
Scientific and Technical Visualization
Graphics Education
Education of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics
Education Technology Research
Multimedia Educational Software Development
Virtual Reality
Educational System
Educational Software Development Tool
MOOCs and Emerging Classics
Geometry and Graphics in History
Concepts of Space and Geometry
Development of Geometry and Graphics
Treatises and manuals
Masters and Pioneers